How to Clone

Ayyy, welcome buddy. You've probably just joined the team and are struggling with cloning this repository and have no clue because senior developers obviously won't ever respond to your questions. But don't worry, I've been there too. So here is a quick summary on how you can easily clone this repository and run it on a local listen server.

Method 1: Listen Server (Easy) | Not Recommended

NOTE: Due to x64 branch no longer being supported with updates, this is not recommended anymore as the branch won't have the latest gmod features and fixes

Method 1 is using a listen server, this is very easy as you are using your own Garry's Mod directory as the server itself. This means you don't have to worry about installing addons and such onto the server, all your active subscriptions will show up. Although it isn't accurate to production, this is usually fine for a dev enviroment and much easier to quickly test with. It is important to remember this isn't accurate to a production enviroment, which may result in weird bugs or issues in rare cases.

Before you start

You want to make sure you have the following Access to gamemode repo:

1. Initial clone

The first thing you want to do is cloning the repository. You want to make sure to clone it to garrysmod/gamemodes/cityrp/ in your Garry's Mod folder, so that the cityrp.txt in the root of the repository is located at garrysmod/gamemodes/cityrp/cityrp.txt. Please double check the path, as otherwise it won't show up!

2. Install MySQLOO (Optional)

The next thing you need is having MySQLOO installed. Ideally you should be able to identify what version (Linux/Windows, 32-bit/64-bit) you need, but if you have no clue, you can just download all files. Note that the downloaded .dll files must be placed in the .../garrysmod/lua/bin folder. If the bin folder does not exist already, just simply create it.

This step is actually now optional, if you don't have MySQLoo installed it'll automatically fall back to SQLite. I still heavily recommend setting up MySQLOO though, as this gives you greater control over the DB and is more accurate to the enviroment on main. It also will create everything for you automatically, no more importing SQL files!

sqlite fucking breaks to shit because you can't modify tables. don't fucking do it. -internet

3. ServerSide Configuration

Next thing you'll need is the server-side configuration file (sv_configuration.lua). Here is a template you can use:

cityrpserver = cityrpserver or {};

-- DB info config, change these to your configuration
cityrpserver["MySQL Host"] = "host-here"; -- The host that your MySQL database is located.
cityrpserver["MySQL Username"] = "username-here"; -- The username that you log into MySQL with.
cityrpserver["MySQL Password"] = "password-here"; -- The password that you log into MySQL with.
cityrpserver["MySQL Port"] = 3306; -- The port of the database that we'll be using.

-- Special dev options
cityrpserver["DisablePrecache"] = true; -- This speeds up loading time, useful for development!

-- Don't touch below here unless you know what you're doing, the defaults work fine.
cityrpserver["MySQL Database"] = "fearless_cityrp"; -- The name of the database that we'll be using.
cityrpserver["MySQL Table"] = "players"; -- The name of the table where the player data is stored.
cityrpserver["MySQL Access Log Table"] = "accesslog"; -- Table for access and blacklist logs.
cityrpserver["MySQL Online Log Table"] = "onlinelog"; -- Table for access and blacklist logs.
cityrpserver["MySQL Log Table"] = "logs"; -- Table for all logs
cityrpserver["MySQL Chat Table"] = "chat"; -- Table for networked chat
cityrpserver["MySQL RPP Table"] = "rppoints"; -- Table where reasons for RP points are stored

All you need to do is give it valid credentials, it'll automatically create the DB using the migration system. We do have a dev DB that you can use if you're lazy, contact a developer for details. I do recommend setting up your own for greater control and accuracy though.

Once filled in, you will then need to copy the file to %REPO_ROOT%/gamemode/core/sv_configuration.lua. Don't worry, the file is ignored by Git, so it won't cause any conflicts.

4. Set up vehicle scripts

If you're doing anything vehicle related, you will want to copy the scripts folder over to your game directory. I don't recommend doing a symlink, as this is your regular gmod folder and you will likely have other scripts and gamemodes.

You want to copy the contents of %REPO_ROOT%/scripts into %STEAM_COMMON%/GarrysMod/garrysmod/scripts. If the scripts folder doesn't exist in your garrysmod directory, create it or just copy the entire folder.

5. Running

Now you're ready to run the gamemode locally! To do so, restart your game if you haven't done already. Then in the main menu:

Click "Start Singleplayer Game". Select the FL CityRP gamemode in the bottom right corner. Select multiplayer, with at least 8 players. Select a cool map (maybe an RP based map) Make sure to NOT select "Singleplayer" or "Peer-to-Peer". Instead, select "Local Server". Have fun!

Method 2: Dedicated Server (Moderate) | Recommended

NOTE: The x64 branch is no longer supported, you should use the default or "dev" 32 bit branch for your dedicated server

If you're going to be working on the gamemode for a while, or may work on different complex branches, you should set up a dedicated server. This is more effort than a listen server, however, that effort is one-time and the result is a significantly more accurate dev enviroment.

The Garry's Mod wiki has a nice page on how to set up a dedicated server for Garry's Mod: You should use this workshop collection on the server (same as prod): Note: If you have unique content required for your changes, you'll likely need to copy the collection above and add your own stuff (recommended) or manually add it (not recommended).

1. Initial clone

Once you've set up the dedicated server, there's two repos you will need to clone. CityRP Gamemode: CityRP Addons:

The steps for the gamemode are identical to the steps for a listen server.


You want to clone the gamemode to .../garrysmod/gamemodes/cityrp/ in your Garry's Mod folder, so that the file cityrp.txt in the root of the repository is located at .../garrysmod/gamemodes/cityrp/cityrp.txt. Please double check the path, as otherwise it won't show up!

Note: Sometimes cloning may create a new folder, so please do check to make sure the path is correct. You can clone elsewhere and copy the contents into .../garrysmod/gamemodes/cityrp/ if it's easier. As long as the .git folder is moved, it won't matter.

The gamemode will need further configuration to work, so see below!


For addons, you want to clone it into .../garrysmod/addons, so that the file .gitattributes in the root of the repository is located at .../garrysmod/addons/.gitattributes.

Note: Sometimes cloning may create a new folder, so please do check to make sure the path is correct. You can clone elsewhere and copy the contents into .../garrysmod/addons if it's easier. As long as the .git folder is moved, it won't matter.

Once done, your addons are all set up! You'll just need to complete the gamemode stuff.

If the thing you're working on requires new content, I recommend copying the public workshop collection (make your own collection and add everything in it). It's a bit of effort, but it's worth it as it makes adding or testing new content significantly easier. We don't have that many addons anyway, much less than before.

2. Install MySQLOO

The next thing you need is having MySQLOO installed. Ideally you should be able to identify what version (Linux/Windows, 32-bit/64-bit) you need, but if you have no clue, you can just download all files. Note that the downloaded .dll files must be placed in the .../garrysmod/lua/bin folder. If the bin folder does not exist already, just simply create it.

Note: You don't have to import any SQL files, the migrations system will create all the tables for you if they don't exist!

2a. Install Optional Modules

Some modules provide additional, optional functionality, which can be useful while developing.

  • enginespew is used to hide some false errors and format others.

3. ServerSide Configuration

Next thing you'll need is the server-side configuration file (sv_configuration.lua). Here is a template you can use:

cityrpserver = cityrpserver or {};

-- DB info config, change these to your configuration
cityrpserver["MySQL Host"] = "host-here"; -- The host that your MySQL database is located.
cityrpserver["MySQL Username"] = "username-here"; -- The username that you log into MySQL with.
cityrpserver["MySQL Password"] = "password-here"; -- The password that you log into MySQL with.
cityrpserver["MySQL Port"] = 3306; -- The port of the database that we'll be using.

-- Special dev options
cityrpserver["DisablePrecache"] = true; -- This speeds up loading time, useful for development!

-- Don't touch below here unless you know what you're doing, the defaults work fine.
cityrpserver["MySQL Database"] = "fearless_cityrp"; -- The name of the database that we'll be using.
cityrpserver["MySQL Table"] = "players"; -- The name of the table where the player data is stored.
cityrpserver["MySQL Access Log Table"] = "accesslog"; -- Table for access and blacklist logs.
cityrpserver["MySQL Online Log Table"] = "onlinelog"; -- Table for access and blacklist logs.
cityrpserver["MySQL Log Table"] = "logs"; -- Table for all logs
cityrpserver["MySQL Chat Table"] = "chat"; -- Table for networked chat
cityrpserver["MySQL RPP Table"] = "rppoints"; -- Table where reasons for RP points are stored

All you need to do is give it valid credentials, it'll automatically create the DB using the migration system. We do have a dev DB that you can use if you're lazy, contact a developer for details. I do recommend setting up your own for greater control and accuracy though.

Once filled in, you will then need to copy the file to `.../garrysmod/gamemode/core/sv_configuration.lua. Don't worry, the file is ignored by Git, so it won't cause any conflicts.

4. Set up vehicle scripts

For a dedicated server, I highly recommend setting up a symlink that'll tell windows to look in your gamemode folder for scripts. This means you won't ever have to update it again, pulling from the repo will automatically update scripts in your base gmod directory. Since this is a dedicated server, you don't have to worry about overwriting scripts as this is just for FL development anyway.

You have two options for how to get vehicle scripts working

Option 1: Symlink (Recommended)

First, make note of both the gamemode scripts directory. This should be: GAMEMODE: .../garrysmod/gamemodes/cityrp/scripts But it may vary depending on your setup

If the scripts folder in your base Garry's Mod already exists, delete it. It is located at: .../garrysmod/scripts **.../garrysmod/scripts must not exist for the symlink to work**

First, you want to open command prompt as an administrator (might not work otherwise). Once open, navigate to your Garry's Mod directory using cd. If you're not sure how to do this: - Using windows explorer, go to your .../garrysmod/ folders - Click on the address bar and copy it all - Go to your command prompt, and type in cd then paste - On the left, you should see the directory followed by >. This means you're in this directory!

The command we're going to use to do this is mklink /J Link Target mklink is the command for making a symlink (somewhat self explanatory) /J means we want to make a hard directory link, also known as a junction link. Link is the name of the folder to create Target to where to point to

Note: If there's any spaces in your directory links, put quotes around them.

With your command prompt at .../garrysmod/, input the following: mklink /J "scripts" "gamemodes/cityrp/scripts"

If successful, you should see

 Junction created for scripts <<===>> gamemodes/cityrp/scripts

Now your Garry's Mod server will think the scripts folder is within the gamemode, so it'll search in there for scripts automatically on boot.

Option 2: Copy files

Sometimes you might just want to copy them over yourself, maybe this is a temp setup or the symlink doesn't work You want to copy the contents of .../garrysmod/gamemodes/cityrp/scripts into .../garrysmod/scripts. If the scripts folder doesn't exist in your garrysmod directory, create it or just copy the entire folder.

5. Running

Everything is almost ready!

You'll likely want to create a quick .bat script to start the server, for example:

srcds.exe +maxplayers 20 -console +gamemode cityrp -port 27015 +host_workshop_collection 2824995698 +map rp_evocity_v4b1_fl -tickrate 22 -disableluarefresh +sv_setsteamaccount <your token>

Place this where srcds.exe is, likely in the garrysmod folder.

You also may want to create a script to automatically update Garry's Mod, for example:

Place this in your root dedicated server directory, where steamcmd.exe is.

Remember to set your +sv_setsteamaccount with your GSLT token, more information here: You also likely want to set a password, alongside other config options, in svconfigura

Once done, simply run the .bat script and you should see the server start to launch. You can type status in the console to get the IP of the server once it is done starting up.