Chat manipulation and helper functions.

Chat messages are a core part of the framework - it's takes up a good chunk of the gameplay, and is also used to interact with the framework. Chat messages can have types or "classes" that describe how the message should be interpreted. All chat messages will have some type of class: ic for regular in-character speech, me for actions, ooc for out-of-character, etc. These chat classes can affect how the message is displayed in each player's chatbox. See and ChatClassStructure to create your own chat classes.


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Formats a string to fix basic grammar - removing extra spacing at the beginning and end, capitalizing the first character, and making sure it ends in punctuation.


  • text string

    String to format


Example Usage

 > Hello.
 > Wow!, bNoSend)

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Identifies which chat mode should be used.


  • message string

    Message to parse

  • bNoSend bool default: false

    Whether or not to send the chat message after parsing


  • string

    Name of the chat type

  • string

    Message that was parsed

  • bool

    Whether or not the speaker should be anonymous, data)

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Registers a new chat type with the information provided. Chat classes should usually be created inside of the InitializedChatClasses hook.


  • chatType string

    Name of the chat type

Example Usage

-- this is the "me" chat class taken straight from the framework as an example"me", {
	format = "** %s %s",
	color = Color(255, 50, 50),
	CanHear = cityrp.configuration["Talkrange"] * 2,
	prefix = {"/Me", "/Action"},
	description = "@cmdMe",
	indicator = "chatPerforming",
	deadCanChat = true

See Also, text, bAnonymous, receivers, data)

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Send a chat message using the specified chat type.


  • chatType string

    Name of the chat type

  • bAnonymous bool default: false

    Whether or not the speaker should be anonymous

  • receivers tab default: nil

    The players to replicate send the message to

  • data tab default: nil

    Additional data for this chat message



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Chat messages can have different classes or "types" of messages that have different properties. This can include how the text is formatted, color, hearing distance, etc.


  • prefix string

    What the player must type before their message in order to use this chat class. For example, having a prefix of /Y will require to type /Y I am yelling in order to send a message with this chat class. This can also be a table of strings if you want to allow multiple prefixes, such as {"//", "/OOC"}.

    NOTE: the prefix should usually start with a / to be consistent with the rest of the framework. However, you are able to use something different like the LOOC chat class where the prefixes are .//, [[, and /LOOC.

  • noSpaceAfter bool default: false

    Whether or not the prefix can be used without a space after it. For example, the OOC chat class allows you to type //my message instead of // my message. NOTE: this only works if the last character in the prefix is non-alphanumeric (i.e noSpaceAfter with /Y will not work, but /! will).

  • description string optional

    Description to show to the user in the chatbox when they're using this chat class

  • format string default: "%s: \"%s\""

    How to format a message with this chat class. The first %s will be the speaking player's name, and the second one will be their message

  • color color default: Color(242 230 160)

    Color to use when displaying a message with this chat class

  • indicator string default: "chatTyping"

    Language phrase to use when displaying the typing indicator above the speaking player's head

  • bNoIndicator bool default: false

    Whether or not to avoid showing the typing indicator above the speaking player's head

  • font string default: cityrpChatFont

    Font to use for displaying a message with this chat class

  • deadCanChat bool default: false

    Whether or not a dead player can send a message with this chat class

  • CanHear number

    This can be either a number representing how far away another player can hear this message. IC messages will use the chatRange config, for example. This can also be a function, which returns true if the given listener can hear the message emitted from a speaker.

    -- message can be heard by any player 1000 units away from the speaking player
    CanHear = 1000


    CanHear = function(self, speaker, listener)
        -- the speaking player will be heard by everyone
        return true

  • CanSay function optional

    Function to run to check whether or not a player can send a message with this chat class. By default, it will return false if the player is dead and deadCanChat is false. Overriding this function will prevent deadCanChat from working, and you must implement this functionality manually.

    CanSay = function(self, speaker, text)
        -- the speaker will never be able to send a message with this chat class
        return false

  • GetColor function optional

    Function to run to set the color of a message with this chat class. You should generally stick to using color, but this is useful for when you want the color of the message to change with some criteria.

    GetColor = function(self, speaker, text)
        -- each message with this chat class will be colored a random shade of red
        return Color(math.random(120, 200), 0, 0)

  • OnChatAdd function optional

    Function to run when a message with this chat class should be added to the chatbox. If using this function, make sure you end the function by calling chat.AddText in order for the text to show up.

    NOTE: using your own OnChatAdd function will prevent color, GetColor, or format from being used since you'll be overriding the base function that uses those properties. In such cases you'll need to add that functionality back in manually. In general, you should avoid overriding this function where possible. The data argument in the function is whatever is passed into the same data argument in

    OnChatAdd = function(self, speaker, text, bAnonymous, data)
        -- adds white text in the form of "Player Name: Message contents"
        chat.AddText(color_white, speaker:GetName(), ": ", text)

See Also

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List of all chat classes that have been registered by the framework, where each key is the name of the chat class, and value is the chat class data. Accessing a chat class's data is useful for when you want to copy some functionality or properties to use in your own. Note that if you're accessing this table, you should do so inside of the InitializedChatClasses hook.

Example Usage

 > "%s says \"%s\""